Transition X
Kotlin DSL for choreographing Android Transitions
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makes it easy to animate simple changes to layout without needing to explicitly calculate and specify from
and to
like Animator
or Animation
expects. When you call TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(layout, transition)
before updating a layout, the framework automatically does a diff on before and after states and animates the difference.
Transition X
is intended to simplify construction of these Transition
instances to take full advantage of the framework and provide a clear, concise, type safe and extensible DSL using Kotlin language features.
I highly recommend reading the introduction blog post on Medium.
- Add repository to your project level
allprojects {
repositories {
- Add library dependency to module level
implementation 'in.arunkumarsampath:transition-x:1.0.1'
As shown above, instead of creating XML files and later inflating them using TransitionInflator
, it is possible to create Transition
instances directly using tranistionSet{}
block provided by the DSL.
With Transition X, the construction and usage can be greatly simplified with a prepareTransition
extension added to ViewGroup
For example:
constraintLayout.prepareTransition {
fadeOut {
startDelay = 100
moveResize {
pathMotion = ArcMotion()
+textView // Add textView as target using '+' operator
exclude<RecyclerView>() // Exclude all recyclerViews
ease {
standardEasing // Applies FastOutSlowInInterpolator
// Performing layout changes here will be animated just like
// calling TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition()
All blocks are type-safe and has IDE auto complete support thanks to Kotlin.
Getting Started
Writing your first transition
TransitionSet’s can be built programmatically like this.
TransitionSet().apply {
addTransition(ChangeBounds().apply {
startDelay = 100
The Transition X equivalent would be:
transitionSet {
moveResize {
startDelay = 100
pathMotion = ArcMotion()
Some of the transition names are opinionated to better express their intent and promote clear code. Here ChangeBounds
transition usually animates a View
’s height, width, or location on screen hence the name moveResize
to better convey what it does.
Working with custom transitions
In case you have a custom transition class and want to use with the DSL, it is easy to do so.
- If your transition has a
public no arg
constructor then the transition can be added usingcustomTransition<Type: Transition>{}
method. Below example shows usage ofChangeCardColor
which animates aCardView
s cardBackground property.
constraintLayout.prepareTransition {
customTransition<ChangeCardColor> {
- If your transition does not have
public no arg
constructor then, you can instantiate the transition and then usecustomTransition(transition) {}
instead to add the transition. - Accessing custom properties : In addition to the common properties like
, etc, if your transition has custom properties thencustomProperties {}
block can be used.
constraintLayout.prepareTransition {
customTransition<ChangeCardColor> {
customProperties {
myProperty = "hi"
Adding, removing and excluding targets
The DSL provides simplified syntax to deal with targets by talking to Transition
’s add/exclude/remove API.
- Use
operator oradd()
to add targets of typeString (Transition Name)
orResource Id
.transitionSet { +"TransitionName" +userIconView add(userIconView) }
- Use
operator orremove()
to remove targets of typeString (Transition Name)
orResource Id
.transitionSet { -"TransitionName" -userIconView remove(userIconView) }
methods are provided for excluding targets which can be useful in advanced transitions. It can be used onViews
,Resource Ids
transitionSet { exclude<RecyclerView>() exclude( excludeChildren(constraintLayout) }
- Interpolators can be directly added using
property.transitionSet { moveResize() slide() interpolator = FastOutLinearInInterpolator() }
Easing - DSL provides a dedicated
block to add interpolators recommended by material design spec.standardEasing: Recommended for views that move within visible area of the layout.
decelerateEasing: Recommended for views that appear/enter outside visible bounds of the layout.
accelerateEasing: Recommended for Views that exit visible bounds of the layout.
transitionSet {
ease {
Nesting transitions
Often, for fined grained transitions it it necessary to add different transition sets for different targets. It is simple to nest multiple transition sets just by using transitionSet {}
transitionSet {
auto {
+"View 1"
transitionSet {
+"View 2"
transitionSet {
Additional transitions
The library packages additional transitions not present in the support library and the plan is to add more commonly used transitions to provide a full package. Currently the following transitions are packaged.
- ChangeText: Animates changes to a
property. - ChangeColor: Animates changes to
if it is aColorDrawable
or changes toTextView.textColor
if the target is aTextView
Sample | DSL | Demo |
Snackbar animation | Snackbar is anchored below FAB. moveResize is used on on FAB since its position changes. Slide is used on Snackbar since it's visibility changes.
constraintLayout.prepareTransition { moveResize { +fab } slide { +snackbarMessage } ease { decelerateEasing } } snackbarMessage.toggleGone() |
![]() |
Cascade animation | It is possible to write normal logical code in the prepareTransition block. Here we add moveResize using loops and by adding a start delay based on position, we can emulate a cascade transition.
constraintLayout.prepareTransition { texts.forEachIndexed { position, view -> moveResize { +view startDelay = ((position + 1) * 150).toLong() } } moveResize { +fab } ease { decelerateEasing } } // Layout changes (if (defaultState) constraint1 else constraint2) .applyTo(constraintLayout) |
![]() |
Custom Transition | In the following example, ChangeCardColor is a custom transition that animates cardBackgroundColor property of MaterialCardView .
constraintLayout.prepareTransition { customTransition<ChangeCardColor> { +cardView } changeColor { +textView } duration = 1000 } // Layout changes cardView.setCardBackgroundColor(color) textView.setTextColor(calcForegroundWhiteOrBlack(color)) |
![]() |
Arc motion | Here the imageView 's gravity is changed from START | CENTER_VERTICAL to TOP | CENTER_HORIZONTAL . By using a pathMotion it is possible to control the motion of the animation to follow material guidelines' arc motion.
frameLayout.prepareTransition { moveResize { pathMotion = ArcMotion() +userIconView } } |
![]() |
Advanced choreography | By using techniques above and coupling it with further customization via lifecycle listeners such as onEnd or onPause it is possible to have finer control over the entire transition process. In the example below, notice how different views are configured with different parameters for transition type, interpolation and ordering.
constraintLayout.prepareTransition { auto { ease { standardEasing } exclude(metamorphosisDesc2) } transitionSet { fade() slide() ease { accelerateEasing } +metamorphosisDesc2 } changeImage { add(*imageViews) } onEnd { constraintLayout.prepareTransition { moveResize() changeText { +collapseButton changeTextBehavior |
![]() |
Shared element transition | Transition instances created by the DSL can be directly used with activity.window.sharedElementEnterTransition or fragment.sharedElementEnterTransition.
fragment.sharedElementEnterTransition = transitionSet { transitionSet { changeImage() moveResize() changeClipBounds() scaleRotate() ease { standardEasing } duration = 375 +cartItem.cartImageTransitionName() } transitionSet { ease { standardEasing } moveResize() scaleRotate() add(, cartItem.price) duration = 375 } }</td> |